Coming in 2025!
A book of 9 practices for a connected marriage after your spouse deconverts
Official book cover design COMING SOON!
For many reasons this is likely a book you never wanted to need to read. Like grabbing a book on stillbirth or dying well, these are only books we read when life forces us this direction. While we know “life won’t be perfect” we can’t anticipate exactly which kind of imperfect will arrive on our doorstep so we pass by those books on the shelf hoping a different, perhaps easier, “imperfect” will be our lot.
So often we want to go back. Before the accident, before the diagnosis, the body before the babies, the relationship before that fallout, before that president or this leader, before that poor financial decision, back to the good ol’ days. If only we could go back… things could be better.
This subtle, yet pervasive, theology of going back to Eden, to something better than now, permeates our churches and our spiritual formation. If we are not careful we forget God is making all things new, not taking us back to some idyllic perfection that theologians aren’t sure even ever existed. This mindset is most often the first thing to hijack our re-imagined future the Holy Spirit is inviting us toward. This idea of going back before our spouse’s faith shifted stalls our creativity and leaves us ruminating on before they left faith, before they asked the difficult questions, before they betrayed us.
But throughout Scripture we are reminded that God isn’t the God of going back, but about redemption, renewal, re-imagining something we never had the imagination or even prayers big enough to consider in the first place. (Eph. 3:20)
Support the journey of RE:IMAGINE
Bringing RE:IMAGINE to life has been both an unexpected and life-giving endeavor! I would be deeply grateful for your support in making this resource widely available. Here’s how you can help…
Join the launch team
As a launch team member, you’ll play a vital role in helping this book reach those who need it most. In return, you’ll receive:
Early access to the book
Opportunities to share your thoughts and feedback
A chance to spread the message of RE:IMAGINE by sharing with friends, family, and social networks
Donate to publishing costs
To reach as many people as possible, I’m inviting supporters to contribute to the publishing costs. Every donation goes directly to editing, design, printing, and distribution, allowing me to share these practices to those who find themselves at a vulnerable point in their marriage.
Donations: Every donation, big or small, makes a difference!
Signed Copy and Access to Book Club: Donors can receive a signed copy and even access to a private book club working through the practices outline in the book.
So far you all have given over $1,800!! I am so blown away. Thank you!!!