Space: Cyber, Holy, or Otherwise

Utterly refreshing. Oh, how vacating regular life can offer such a great space for re-creation. This was our first time getting away since Elsa was born into our lives. We were tucked away in some rolling meadows of southern Indiana without cell service, internet, or...


Another week swept on by, summer creeping in. My love for the outdoors surging again as I stroll under green life bursting from branches high. The beauty from outside fills me within. Writing calls, but this time of year I find the lucidity of my mind waning as I long...

That Woman: Part Two

  So, let’s spend some more time with that woman. Since I am feeling a bit less guarded in her presence I am ready to understand her a bit more. Truth bringing peace, as it often does. I hope that as you continue to read about her you may catch a greater vision...

That Woman: Part One

That esteemed woman. I hadn’t known much about her personally, just hearsay. This distance has allowed me to judge her more easily. Oh, and judge her I have…as outdated, out of touch, and, at the heart of it, antagonistic to my idea of what it means to be a...


This past weekend we attended the 1st birthday of our much-loved friends’ twin baby girls. Born at just over three pounds last April, we celebrated their life this year and their parents making it through the most sleep-deprived year of their lives. Hosting this...
Rule of Life

Rule of Life

  When I am unable to write, I miss the pen (well, the keyboard actually). I miss writing, thinking, and musing over ideas and dream-visioning about big picture sort of things. I miss this. My life has become quite small. Big, oh, so big…yet small. 15 pounds-ish...